「~するつもりですか?」は英語でAre you going to do?(例文あり) 您所在的位置:网站首页 what are you going to do next month翻译 「~するつもりですか?」は英語でAre you going to do?(例文あり)

「~するつもりですか?」は英語でAre you going to do?(例文あり)

2024-06-17 07:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

“I just need to get her attention.” “And how are you going to do that?” “I don’t know, but I’ll find a way.” (「彼女の注意を引くだけでいいんだ」「どうやってやるの?」「分からないけど、方法を見つけるさ」)

“What are you going to do after you graduate?” “I haven’t really thought about it. I kind of want to go traveling first.” (「卒業後はどうするの?」「まだよく考えてないけど。まずは、ちょっと旅行したいな」)

“Well, what are you going to do after you graduate?” “Uh, that’s a good question... yeah.” (「それで、卒業後は何をするの?」「あー、分からないな...うーん」)

“So what are you going to do after your teaching contract is over?” “Well, the original plan is to go back to Seattle, but nothing’s set in stone yet.” (「それで、教師の仕事の契約が終わった後はどうするの?」「まあ、当初の予定では、シアトルに帰るつもりだけど、でもまだ何も確定してない」)

“Man, your girlfriend is leaving for a year? What are you going to do?” “Well it’s still a month away, so I’ll worry about it then.” (「お前の彼女一年も行っちゃうの?お前どうするんだよ?」「まぁ、まだ一ヶ月先の事だから、その時に心配するよ」)

What are you going to do now? (今から何するの?)

What are you going to do today? (今日は何するの?)

What are you going to do? (君はどうするの?)

What are you going to do about it? (どうしてくれるん?)

Procrastinating will get you nowhere. When are you going to do it? Now’s the time, right? (先延ばしにすると良いことはない。じゃあいつやるのか?今でしょ!)

What exactly are you going to do? (具体的にはどんな事をするんですか?)

What are you going to do after class? (授業終わった後、どうする?)

Stop making excuses! Are you going to do it or not? (ごちゃごちゃ言うのはやめて!やるのかやらないのかどっちなの?)

What are you going to do about the cellphone and wallet that you lost? Are you going to get new ones? This is really terrible! (なくなった携帯と財布どうするの?新しいの買うの?本当にひどいね!)

What are you going to do in the future? (将来どうするの?)

What are you going to do next weekend? (来週末どうするの?)

What are you going to do once you get a master’s degree? (修士号を取ったら何をするの?)

What are you going to do once you go back home? (帰国後はどうする予定なの?)

What are you going to do for me? (あなたは私の為に何をしてくれるの?)

Are you going to do it by yourself? (自分でするの?)

What are you going to do after you graduate? (あなたは卒業後の進路はどうしますか?)

What are you going to do with the picture you took of me the other day? I want you to delete it. (この前撮った私の写真、持っていてどうするつもり?削除してほしい)

What are you going to do after graduating from high school? Are you going to go to university? (高校卒業したらどうするの?大学に行くの?)

What are you going to do after you graduate from university? (大学を卒業したら何をするの?)

What kind of work are you going to do this year? Will you be in any films? (今年あなたはどんな活動をしますか?映画に出演しますか?)

Why are you going to Tokyo on Sunday? What are you going to do there? (日曜日、東京に何しに行くの?何か用事あるの?)






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